A concise history of Legends
in our Mind |
The dutch rocktrio Legends
in our Mind may be regarded as Rotterdams' worst kept
secret. For almost two years now, the band traveled all around
the country to do what they're best at : blowing minds, breaking
hearts, and leaving burning tracks when they get off stage afterwards.
Three boys met each other after years filled with adventures
that brought them along ska, punk, reggae, metalcore - and Europe.
With their minds more than ever set to the purity of music, they
produce an ever increasing number of songs that can be pushed
under labels like rock 'n roll, emo, wave - if you wish to push
them under a label anyway. The always present influence by rockmonsters
like U2, The Police and Muse is added by a touch of flavour of
the week (currently being Dredg, Saybia, Incubus).
Since march '03, the band has added an acoustic set to their
catalogue. With this addition to the sometimes overwhelming electric
set, Legends in our Mind can play at any stage, on every streetcorner,
anywhere on the planet. With an extra guitarist and a violin player,
the typical LioM-sound is translated into a similar, yet different
feel. The one and only way to turn a stadium-rockact into a wedding
Legends in our Mind played both acoustic and electric on their
2003 European Tour
(kicked off by a support show for Nada Surf in Nighttown main
hall), which lead them through Germany, Czech Republic and Poland.
Being on tour was amazing for them, and it inspired them to work
on new material so they can record a full length, and then tour
more. This full length would be the sequel to Living for Today,
their first mini-cd, which was released in a steaming Nighttown
(Rotterdam) on september 14th 2002.
Confident as musicians, but humble as a band, knowing that there
is so much to improve and so many dogs eating dogs out there,
Legends in our Mind tries to perform to their best and, if the
best is good enough, reach the sky. |
the members |
Ralf 'Lovehandle' Mastwijk
role guitar player,
looks tall, slick dark
hair, bowling shoes & lovehandles
likes dark hair, round
shapes, Asian Looks
former bands Rectum,
influence Dredg, Muse,
Ours, Tom McCrae, Pearl jam and U2
ralf@legendsinourmind.nl |
Roman Saul Reijs
role drummer, booker
looks shorty, stylish
looks, shorty likes
people looking like Birgit
and/or Shakira
former bands Rectum
influence Jeff Buckley,
Dredg, Saybia, Pearl Jam
Thijs 'Frits' Leydens role
bassplayer, backing vocalist looks
regular as regular can be
likes it well done and
darn tasty former bands Remorse,
Blodge Blast, e.o.
influence Sunny Day Real
Estate, Muse, Dredg questions
& www.thijs.nu |
press : interviews
& reviews |
date |
author |
type |
desription / quote |
20.05.03 |
musicfrom.nl |
article |
"De Rotterdamse formatie Legends in our Mind stuurde
ons hun cd 'Living for Today' op en daar wilde ik wel meer
van weten. Ik nodigde de band uit voor een gesprek in de studio."
[ entire
transcript ] |
25.04.03 |
radio poppodium |
interview |
"Wat ga jij doen met je band deze zomer? Oefenen totdat
je er bij neervalt, met de band in je stamkroeg hangen of
misschien werken om al je schulden af te betalen? Of ga je
de droom die je met je band hebt eindelijk verwezenlijken?
Legends in our Mind doet het laatste en gaat deze zomer op
tour door Europa!" [ screenshot
| link
] |
21.03.03 |
DutchDemos.com |
review |
"Met name de opener ‘What you do to me’
overtuigt dankzij de bluesy tic en het aangename stemgeluid
van zanger/gitarist Ralf ‘Neukteugel’ Mastwijk".
[ screenshot
| link
] |
15.03.03 |
FreeMusic.cz |
review |
"Proste pocit, který vychází z
vás nedá se koupit ani oblafnout. A o tom by
hudba mela být predevším o (subjektivních)
pocitech, nemyslíte?" [ screenshot
| link
] |
10.01.03 |
Speaker |
review |
"...Daarnaast is het al eerder genomende uiterlijk
van de cd een pluspunt even als de uitstekende produktie.
Het geheel is helder en de instrumenten klinken prima. Maar
volgens mij kunnen ze beter dan ze hier laten horen". |
05.12.02 |
LiveXS |
review |
"Luister maar naar What you do to me, een
nummer wat nu al in aanmerking komt voor de titel 'Zomerhit
2003'. Uniek geluid en een unieke band, aanrader!" [
] |
01.12.02 |
Dimi |
interview |
[ screenshot
] |
17.10.02 |
Oor |
review |
"De zang en de arrangementen zijn nog onvolgroeid,
maar na een aantal draaibeurten begon ik daar doorheen te
luisteren. Daardoor kwam het karakteristieke van de band meer
naar voren, en dat is precies de charme van deze cd"
[ scan
] |
22.09.02 |
Stadskrant Delft |
interview |
"Voor ons betekent [delft city beats] gewoon een leuk
optreden in festivalsfeer. En zelf spelen, dat is het leukste
dat er is" [ scan
] |